Monday, April 25, 2011

In Mutts We Trust

Every year, between 7-11 Million animals will end up in shelters throughout the United States. Less than 50% of those animals will get to a rescue or get adopted. THINK before you drop your animal off at a shelter. Shelters are overcrowded, understaffed, and under funded. An animal is a lifetime commitment. Animals want for so little, and only want for love. They ask for so very little in return. So the next time you're thinking of getting rid of your pet, think first. It may not make it out of the shelter. It would be tragic for your pet to die alone and afraid in shelter due to no fault of it's own.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Here are some facts that you may or may not know!

-863 animals die every second
-Pigs are smarter than dogs and three year old children
-Piglets are torn away from their mother at just three weeks old
-Once the piglet is ready for slaughter, usually at about 5 months old, their food will be withdrawn leaving them feeling weak, lethargic and cold.
-Vegans live an average 6-10 years longer than a meat eater
-A meat eaters risk of developing heart disease is 50% higher than a veg{etari}ans
-Animals are fed drugs so they can grow bigger
-In every package of chickens there’s a little bit of poop
-They flavor McDonalds french fries with meat juice
-Animals like cows are kept in dark, filthy rooms then they are taken in a metal truck, which usually makes the cows sick, and then they are killed in the slaughterhouse consciously.
-Birds and chickens are kept in small cages. The great majority of all "layers" are kept in battery cages. Usually 5 hens have to share a cage measuring 18 by 20 inches.
-They are also de-beaked with a hot blade so they don’t peck the other animals to death
-Cows have their horns sliced off; they are branded, which causes excruciating third-degree burns; and males are castrated. This is all done without any painkillers.
-When cows are done making milk they are killed
-Pigs-farmers cut off a pigs tail so the other pigs tail don’t bite it off due to the fact of the small space
-When chickens are done laying eggs they are also suffocated in plastic bags
-Male chickens are gassed, suffocated in a bag, or ground up alive because they don’t lay eggs when they grow up.
-Eating one hamburger uses enough energy to drive a small car 20 miles and take 17 showers
-More than half of the water consumed in the U.S. is used to raise livestock
-Cows are excellent mothers
-Sheep can recognize other sheep’s faces and human faces as well
-Goats are very curious and playful, have individual personalities and capable of great affection and loyalty
-Goat’s intelligence is comparable to that of pigs and dogs
-If you give an apple or a small ball to a group of turkeys they'll play with it
-Fish grow underwater algae gardens
-Hens and their babies communicate even while the chick is still in the egg
-A cow must be pregnant in order to give milk... they are artificially inseminated and confined in one stall where they have to stand in their own urine and feces
-Cows are separated from their moms within 24 hours of birth
-To get milk out of cows farmers use electrical machines and usually the cows bleed and pus comes out so that’s usually that’s what your drinking
-The U.S has the highest upper limit of milk pus concentration in the world
-Mad cow disease is in the United States
-Fishing hurts. Imagine a hook is stuck through your lips and you are being pulled up rapidly.... Pain right?
-Raising animals for food need more than a third of fossil fuels and raw materials in the U.S.
-Cattle ranching is the number cause of Amazonian deforestation
-Going Veggie does more to stop Global Warming than switching to a hybrid car
-Vegans save an average of 100 animals a year

Now tell me again why you want to eat meat?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pitful little pitty puppy that only wanted to play and be loved..

Oshkosh, WI - The 5 month old puppy discovered starved to death on an Oshkosh sidewalk last Thursday had a name. His name was Snoop.
The beautiful puppy never stood a chance with the owner that he was cursed with - that owner was identified to police through an informant.
That informant led police to the home of Bryan I. Hutcherson, 19.
Shockingly, Hutcherson is reported to have told police that the puppy was too stressful and "too expensive" to feed.
Instead of surrendering the puppy to an animal control facility, the man and his girlfriend reportedly watched him starve to death before their eyes.
Apparently little Snoop was kept in a wire cage measuring 2 ft x 3 ft - the cage was kept in the couple's living room. The informant told police that the puppy was covered in feces and shaking the last time that he was seen in February.
Puppies, with their quickly growing and developing bodies, require special puppy food during their first year of life - food with extra calories and nutrients to keep them healthy and ensure proper growth.
Instead, Snoop received nothing - from what his owner told police, he apparently received nothing for over a month.
Hutcherson told the police that he decided to lay the sick puppy on the sidewalk, just 2 blocks from his home, last Thursday - the puppy was so weak that he could not raise his head from the cement....
A necropsy showed that the emaciated puppy's organs had systematically shut down as a result of the starvation.
How could a person watch another life slowly fade away before their eyes? Surely Snoop suffered greatly - surely there was crying as the pain wracked his little body....
Hutcherson was held on a $1000 bond and will have a preliminary hearing on April 14. He could face fines of $10,000 and up to 3.5 years behind bars.
In the court of public opinion, his name will forever be associated with that of a person with no heart.
His unidentified girlfriend is also facing charges - her case has been sent to the Winnebago County District Attorney.
Rest in Peace Snoop.