Lately I have felt somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of cruelty and sadness out there in the world. The more involved you are, the more you see. I'm not sure if there is just more cruelty out there, or I'm just seeing it more. Either way, I thought maybe this would be a good way for me to "vent'. Maybe someone who reads this will want to express themselves too? Do something to help? Be outraged?...Take a stand?...
Either way, it's a way for me to be a voice for those without one, and get the message out-whatever that message may be for that particular day.
Lately, I have been very moved by some wonderful videos I have been watching thanks to Camp Cocker. (Cocker Rescue)
They seem to really get it, and express that wonderfully through their videos....
Thank you Cocker Rescue for your wonderful messages!
Check these out:
Check these out:
Good job Melanie. We need all the animal people to speak up to support animal rights and just kindness to all living creatures. Keep up the blog. Will be following it.