Had an amazing time at the Pet Expo this weekend. I could have stayed there ALL day. I never get tired of seeing all the different animals. There were tons of great dogs, people, and vendors to see and meet. I also liked visiting the other rescues to see what they have going on. I especialy loved seeing MAGDR (great dane rescue) and the Equine Rescue. Here are just a few shots I took at the show.
This dog below is named Robby. He is a massive 140 lb Mastiff mix of some kind. What a sweetheart he was. I was hugging all over him. I tried to walk out of the show with him. I was quite taken with him and his wonderful demeanor.
There was a wild bird rehabilitation rescue there. Here is one of the birds they saved. I have no fear of birds-or really any animal for that matter. I love them all-big or small.
Okay-so I am a little obsessed with English Bulldogs. They are just the cutest dogs-they look like piglets. I love their faces. I want one. I just wish I could convince the hubby for just one more....
More of Rescue Inc-It's Joe Panz on the left, and Big Ant on the right.
Of course I had to spot one of the few pekes at the show. This one was quite pampered and being pushed around in her stroller. Gotta love it!!!
Eric of Rescue Inc.
Hilarious little bully girl. Love the outfit. (and the underbite)
I think they were brother and sister. Adorableness...At one point I laid on the floor with them right in the middle of the Expo just to be near them.
Here I am with one of the Great Danes. Isn't he huge. And a big sweetie pie. He is the size of a small horse!!
Happy Monday everyone!!
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