Thursday, April 29, 2010

Harlett's brother Harley

As I mentioned in my prior post, me (and my partner Julie) offered to take Harlett (the rotty I posted about the other day) into our rescue. I have a thing for these dogs. They are gentle giants. I just love them. Anyway, she sprung it on us that she also had Harlett's brother Harley and would like us to take him too. Oh-and did I mention that she does not want them to be separated and would like them adopted together? Not the easiest request. Why oh why did I say yes? Because I love this breed and would be afraid for them to end up in the wrong hands. These are beautiful 14 month old rotty's. Gentle, friendly, and just plain wonderful. Harley is bigger than his sister weighing in at a whopping 125 lbs! I'm just not sure the woman who is surrendering them understands how difficult it is going to be for us to find a foster for BOTH and get them adopted together. But we are rescue so we will try our best. They sure are cute...Too bad they can't all live here at my house. Anyway, I said I would post more details when I had them on this guy. So....Introducing Harley.

1 comment:

  1. Now what would the Pekes think of the Rotties? You can always broaden the adopter pool by cross posting with NE Rott Rescue. If you need an intro, LMK.
