It's too hot for any dog to be outside in this heat. It only takes 3 mins for a dog's brain to literarily fry in the heat in a hot car. I have heard about people saying that they are "just leaving the dog in the car for a few minutes". But that is all it takes. In this case, the dog was left to suffer on purpose. Please-Be extra cautious in this weather and bring your animals inside!
PHOENIX - Maricopa County Sheriff's deputies make arrest after dog dies from suspected animal abuse.MCSO arrested Kenneth Tucker, 19, on felony animal cruelty charges.
About a week ago a deputy followed up on a call of animal abuse at Tucker's residence and spotted a large dog in a cage in the backyard. The deputy noticed the cage was too small for the size of the dog.
According to MCSO the dog was panting and crying, not moving and appeared lifeless.
The dog's cage was in a sunny area with no water near the dog.
Immediately after being removed from the cage the dog died.
The temperature of the dog was 111.9 degrees, which was as high as the thermometer read. The normal body temperature for a dog is 101-103 degrees.
Tucker was booked into jail on two felony animal cruelty charges and two counts of animal neglect.
Why Why Why do people do this?? Put them in a crate in the sun with no water!