Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Linda and PVPC rescue

As you all know, I have worked with PVPC now for a while. I really have a thing for the pekes.
We have sooo many dogs up for adoption right now that it is overwhelming. I hope people will start to go to our site and start adopting out these dogs or intake will have to stop. I still have Lilly Faith, which means I cannot foster more until she is adopted. I think 3 dogs in our home is the max for now. My hubby has put me on "lock down". God love his patience.
Linda Maxwell, one of the board members of PVPC, told me there are about 21 dogs in rescue. That is tremendous. She has done an amazing job placing, vetting, and loving all these dogs. The group wouldn't run the way it does without her guidance, help, and positive energy.
Not only is she a wonderful asset to PVPC, but she is someone I am proud to call my friend.
She has worked in rescue for a long time, and has owned pekes for over 40 years. She is a wonderful person with a gentle heart. Here is a picture of her and I at last year's PVPC picnic. I am very thankful for her love and friendship. Thank you Linda for all the wonderful things you do for the animals!!

I hope if you're reading this that you will "spread the rescue" message and opt to adopt.
You can see more dogs for adoption on the website: www.potomacpekes. org

I just got an email about the world's tallest dog. He looks more like a horse to me..ha!
Check out this video:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your sweet blog about me and the Pekes. I've had Pekes for over 40 years now and have actually done rescue about 7. I love these dogs. And helping them is a huge blessings.
    Love, Linda
